Colorado PUC approves Xcel’s request for clean tech demonstration projects

Published on March 10, 2016 by Daily Energy Insider Reports

The Colorado Public Utilities Commission (PUC), a division of the Department of Regulatory Agencies, issued a written decision last Thursday approving two innovative clean technology (ICT) demonstration projects by Xcel Energy.

The PUC approved the settlement agreement without modification to authorize Xcel Energy to invest $9.1 million for the two projects. The projects will test emerging technologies on microgram and battery applications. The settlement was signed by Xcel, PUC staff, the Office of Consumer Counsel, the Colorado Energy Office, Western Resource Advocates, Sunrun, Inc., and the Energy Freedom Coalition of America.

The Panasonic Project will allow Xcel to install utility-scale solar generation and one large battery at a location near the Denver International Airport, while the Stapleton Project will allow Xcel to install six batteries on the customer side of the meter at residences that already have rooftop solar. Another six batteries will be installed on Xcel’s feeder line in that area, which receives significant power flowing from distributed generation. The batteries will be used to store excess energy and discharge it during peak usage.

Xcel hopes the two projects will assist in understanding the potential for energy storage to help manage the impact of high penetrations of distributed solar photovoltaic energy on its distribution system feeders.