Senate resolution affirms support for flourishing solar energy industry

Published on May 19, 2016 by Alyssa Michaud

The Senate passed a resolution on Monday affirming its support for the U.S. solar energy industry as it seeks to provide 21st century solar technology as a low-cost, clean energy solution to homes and businesses across the United States.

Rhone Resch, president and CEO of the Solar Energy Industries Association, issued a statement in response to the resolution, praising the Senate’s direction and foresight.

“We applaud Sens. (Martin) Heinrich (D-NM) and (Cory) Gardner (R-CO) for their leadership in accelerating our nation’s adoption of solar,” Resch said. “After more than 40 years, there are 1 million solar installations in the U.S. and in the next two years we’ll hit 2 million as more Americans seize upon the opportunity to generate clean, affordable, reliable electricity.”

The Senate resolution noted that the cost of solar energy has fallen by 70 percent in the last seven years, making solar energy accessible to homeowners of many incomes and backgrounds.

“It is my hope that Congress continues to seize upon this vast potential, eventually instituting a solar caucus dedicated to the goals this congressional resolution spells out,” Resch said. “We have entered a new era in American energy and having bipartisan Senate support like this, encouraging solar access for all, will be key to cementing America’s role as the worldwide leader of carbon-free and cost-effective solar technology.”

The solar energy industry today is a leading job provider for minorities, women and veterans, with a workforce of more than 208,000 employees.