Maryland PSC advances solar pilot initiative

Published on February 28, 2016 by Daily Energy Insider Reports

The Maryland Public Service Commission moved to advance proposed regulations on Monday to establish a community solar pilot program in the state.

The regulations emphasize providing renewable energy benefits for low and moderate income customers.

Under the proposed regulations, the three-year pilot program will provide access to solar-generated energy in a manner similar to rooftop solar and net metering, incentivize solar companies to provide service to low and moderate income customers, attract new investment in Maryland’s renewable infrastructure and green economy, allow renters to contract for solar energy with the same benefits as rooftop owners, set aside program capacity for each area of the state with a statewide cap of 218MW, and create a separate program capacity for small systems built on brownfields, parking lots and industrial areas.

Additional points of emphasis in the regulations include the authorization of smaller service territories to make use of existing solar facilities while encouraging construction of new systems in urban areas; the inclusion of service protections for consumers, including the prohibition of unreasonable fees; and the authorization of the commission staff to collect data necessary to study the impact on Maryland’s electricity grid.

Details of the legislation will be published in the Maryland Register, a division of state documents.