FirstElement Fuel opens first hydrogen fueling stations in California

Published on July 14, 2016 by Jessica Limardo

In an effort to protect the environment and encourage automobile manufacturers to support electric vehicles, FirstElement Fuel, Inc., recently opened 13 hydrogen fueling stations across the state of California to support emission-free transportation.

“True Zero symbolizes the ultimate goal – a vehicle fuel with zero pollution, zero use of fossil fuels and zero greenhouse gases in both its production and use,” FirstElement Fuel CEO Joel Ewanick said. “It’s about the drive toward zero emissions from well to wheels – toward zero impact on the environment from a motor vehicle. There’s a lot of pride that comes from doing something that we believe will change the world.”

FirstElement is constructing 19 hydrogen fueling stations to support vehicles powered by fuel cells. The technology derives electricity through an electrochemical process involving hydrogen, emitting only water vapor. The hydrogen stations are located at fuel stations throughout California. Through the project, drivers can drive across the state of California and find hydrogen fueling stations all along the way – a fuel cell-powered vehicle can drive approximately 300 miles between fueling.

The project was developed in conjunction with Black & Veatch, who engineered the fueling stations. The initiative is funded through grants from the California Energy Commission and loans from Honda and Toyota.