Tennessee Valley Authority seeking proposals for 200 megawatts of renewable energy

Published on April 04, 2019 by Kevin Randolph

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The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) announced this week that it is seeking proposals to develop 200 megawatts (MW) of renewable energy, potentially including battery storage options, that can be brought online by the end of 2022.

Proposals are due by May 15. The ultimate amount of power contracted will align to the overall demand for renewable energy in TVA’s service area.

In 2017, TVA made a similar 200 megawatt request to developers. The 2017 request resulted in the development of approximately 675 MW of solar power to supply energy to Facebook and Google data centers.

TVA expects to triple its solar portfolio by 2021. The company noted that utility-scale solar installations are becoming increasingly economical and cited increased demand from large business and industrial customers.