Duke Energy Carolinas files new rate plan with South Carolina Public Service Commission

Published on August 02, 2019 by Dave Kovaleski

© Duke Energy

Duke Energy Carolinas filed a plan with the Public Service Commission of South Carolina (PSCSC) that would raise monthly rates for customers.

The increased costs are associated with the purchase of fuel to generate electricity at its power plants.

The PSCSC reviews fuel costs and adjusts the fuel component of customer rates accordingly. The company makes no profit from the fuel component of rates. The fuel rate is based on the projected cost of fuel used to provide electric service, plus a true-up of the prior year’s projection.

If approved, the average residential customer in South Carolina using 1,000 kilowatt-hours (kWh) per month would see a monthly increase of $2.21. Commercial customers would see an average increase in the fuel charge of about 0.7 percent. Also, industrial customers would receive an average increase of about 1.7 percent.

Duke Energy Carolinas postponed collecting $34 million in fuel costs last year to minimize the impact on customers’ bills. In addition, with lower projected fuel costs for this year, the impact is further minimized.

The new fuel rates would go into effect Oct. 1, if approved by the PSCSC.

Duke Energy Carolinas, which is part of Duke Energy, serves about 2.6 million customers in North Carolina and South Carolina.