ESA publishes Emergency Response Plan for storage businesses

Published on October 04, 2019 by Chris Galford

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As the first phase of their new Energy Storage Corporate Responsibility Initiative (CRI) Task Force, the Energy Storage Association (ESA) has published an Emergency Response Plan (ERP) for storage businesses in the United States.

The ERP is a resource for risk and safety issue management, a reference to which site owners and operators can turn. It’s a foundation, giving these users insights as they create response plans for their respective facilities.

“As the energy storage industry continues its exponential growth, the need for risk and safety management guidelines tailored to this market becomes even more crucial,” Kelly Speakes-Backman, ESA CEO, said. “The Corporate Responsibility Initiative Task Force has taken a lead role in identifying and providing safety best practices for businesses and organizations nationwide, to mitigate potential issues and future-proof the energy storage industry. ESA’s Emergency Response Plan is just the first of many CRI offerings, which will help ensure that kind of responsible growth.”

The ERP specifically encourages site owners and operators to coordinate with first responders, especially early on in their processes. That way allows for a more detailed understanding of potential emergencies and safety responses that could be required.

The CRI Task Force’s work is ongoing, following its creation in March.