FPL gets approval to launch largest community solar program in the country

Published on March 05, 2020 by Dave Kovaleski

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Florida Power & Light Company (FPL) got approval from the Florida Public Service Commission (FPSC) to launch the largest community solar program in the country.

The program – called FPL SolarTogether – is designed to allow FPL customers to support solar power without the need to install solar on their rooftop. Customers can subscribe to a portion of new solar power capacity and receive credits expected to reduce their monthly bills over time.
“This program represents significant forward progress for the solar landscape of not only Florida but the entire United States,” Eric Silagy, president and CEO of FPL, said. “For years, access to solar energy for many Floridians was not economical or easily accessible. Now, FPL SolarTogether will provide more of our customers access to the environmental and financial benefits of solar generation regardless of where they live or how much money they make while helping increase fuel diversity, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and launch Florida into a leadership position for solar energy.”

Under the plan, FPL will install 1,490 megawatts of solar at 20 new solar power plants across FPL’s service territory, with projected long-term savings of $249 million.

The program will reduce the company’s fuel costs and generate $249 million in net cost savings for participants and customers. Specifically, FPL customers are expected to save about $112 million over the life of the solar plants.

“The Commission approved the Settlement Agreement because this unique solar program is in the public interest of the State of Florida, and offers FPL customers the opportunity to advance renewable energy in Florida,” PSC Chairman Gary Clark said. “The new solar additions will serve to reduce the risk of higher fuel and emissions costs for all FPL ratepayers.”

In this voluntary program, there is a fixed monthly subscription charge with no upfront costs or cancellation fees and no rooftop panels required. It is designed to be a cost-effective and hassle-free way for people to go solar, removing the traditional barriers like large upfront costs, commitment requirements, and penalties. The program can move with the individual.

“By unanimously approving FPL SolarTogether – the largest shared solar program in the country – the FPSC has, once again, reminded the world that Florida is committed to leading by example when it comes to adapting to changing times and meeting customers’ needs while taking a long-term view to keep costs down,” Silagy said. “In addition to providing unprecedented solar access to customers who choose to participate in the voluntary program, FPL SolarTogether will help keep the air clean and bills low for all of our customers as we march toward installing more than 30 million solar panels by 2030.”

The program also includes an allocated portion of its solar capacity to low-income customers. FPL plans to open enrollment on March 17, 2020.

“Long gone are the days when electricity was simply a commodity and customers weren’t focused on the source of power generation. Now, with climate change at the forefront of many conversations, FPL SolarTogether allows customers interested in advancing solar energy to be in control of their energy sources,” Stephen Smith, executive director of the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy, said. “The Commission’s unanimous approval of the largest community solar program in the country will help propel Florida to the next level of solar leadership.”

The program is supported by some of Florida’s largest employers, including Walmart and 7-Eleven, as well as numerous cities and counties throughout Florida. Organizations like the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy and Vote Solar also support it. More than 150,000 residential and small business customers have already expressed interest in the program.