Electric companies along eastern seaboard urge emergency plans for Hurricane Isaias

Published on August 03, 2020 by Chris Galford

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With the threat of Hurricane Isaias bearing down on the East Coast, the Edison Electric Institute and its member companies are urging customers to figure out emergency plans and create outage kits to get them through.

Emergency power restoration protocols have changed somewhat since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. This has slowed some restoration processes and spurred crews to utilize measures like increased hygiene measures and social distancing even while doing critical work. Such measures were developed by EEI and its member companies while working under the Electricity Subsector Coordinating Council.

“EEI’s member companies in the path of Hurricane Isaias have activated their emergency response plans and stand ready to restore any power outages caused by the storm safely and as quickly as possible,” Scott Aaronson, EEI vice president of Security & Preparedness, said. “The health and safety of our crews and our customers is a top priority for the electric power industry. Given the COVID-19 pandemic, EEI member companies are following enhanced safety protocols to protect our customers and our crews.”

EEI has also recommended that customers educate and ready themselves using a variety of prepared data and safety tips, create emergency plans that accommodate special medical needs within the household and call local emergency management offices to discuss necessary arrangements. Paying attention to local weather reports — especially given the changing nature of Isaias — is key, as is stocking up on non-perishable food, water, medications and other necessities. Travel should be avoided, unless evacuations are mandated, in which case customers should continue to bear in mind the added threat of the pandemic and respond accordingly.