Alamitos battery energy storage system to provide 400 MWh to Southern California Edison customers

Published on January 29, 2021 by Chris Galford

© Shutterstock

The Alamitos battery energy storage system (BESS) commenced operations this week in California, care of the AES Corporation, providing up to 400 MWh of energy to Southern California Edison (SCE) and pushing the state closer to its carbon free energy goals.

BESS is a stand-alone energy storage facility built for local capacity and one of the world’s largest battery storage systems. It includes Advancion 5 batteries provided by Fluence, capable of supplying power to thousands of homes in milliseconds. SCE will use BESS for reliable power during peak demand periods and increase renewable energy integration into the grid.

“SCE sees a growing role for battery storage as California transitions to 100% clean, renewable energy,” William Walsh, SCE vice president of energy procurement and management, said. “Battery storage will help integrate wind and solar resources into our grid and improve reliability.”

The contract under which energy is being provided is a 20-year power purchase agreement between SCE and AES. As California pushes steadily toward its 100 percent carbon-free energy goal in 2045, however, BESS is but one route AES intends to pursue in the green energy sphere.

“With the commissioning of the Alamitos BESS, the State of California moves closer to its goal of a more sustainable and reliable energy future. AES is proud to work together with Southern California Edison to accelerate the adoption of this greener, smarter energy technology,” Mark Miller, AES market business leader for California and AES Southland general manager, said.