Southern California Edison contributes nearly $18M to California firefighters for state-of-the-art aircraft

Published on May 17, 2021 by Chris Galford

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Looking to improve efforts at combating wildfires in California, Southern California Edison (SCE) issued nearly $18 million last week to firefighting agencies in Los Angeles County, Orange County, and Ventura County for the leasing of three helicopters.

While firefighters still provide many of the most important roles from the ground, helitankers such as those involved here allow rapid reach to a vast swathe of area. All three are equipped with water and fire retardant dropping capabilities and can fly day or night. Among the new acquisitions is a single Sikorsky-61 helitanker, which brings command and control capabilities coupled with ground-based equipment allowing for rapid retardant refills and drops. The deal also includes two Coulson-Unical CH-47 helitankers, the world’s largest fire-suppression helicopters.

SCE noted that last December, a large Coulson helitanker made 101 water drops to combat wildfires in the region.

“Following the historic 2020 fire season, it is an honor to work with our frontline fire agency partners to help save and protect lives,” SCE President and CEO Kevin Payne said. “SCE remains committed to reducing the risk of wildfires and supporting the readiness and response efforts of our fire agencies.”

While the details of this arrangement still need to be formally approved by the agencies’ boards of supervisors, once finished, the firefighting agencies will take command of the daily operation, dispatch, and management of the three aircraft within the 50,000 square mile service area of SCE.

“After a dry winter, Southern California once again faces a serious wildfire risk,” Ventura County Fire Chief Mark Lorenzen said. “This regional partnership is adding helicopters and ground-based support equipment that will enhance our ability to respond to any fires that occur across a six-county area.”

Following approvals, the three aircraft will be strategically placed throughout SCE’s service area as of June 15. They will then be ready for service throughout the remainder of the year.