Majority of Tulsa voters approve 15-year renewal of franchise for Public Service Company of Oklahoma

Published on February 10, 2022 by Chris Galford

This week, voters in Tulsa, Okla., approved the renewal of the city’s franchise with the Public Service Company of Oklahoma (PSO) for the next 15 years, granting the company rights to use and provide numerous local services.

The renewal grants PSO the ability to continue using Tulsa streets, alleys, and rights of way as its workers provide electric services, maintenance, improvements, and power restoration. It also authorized the company to collect revenue on behalf of the city to fund essential services and right of way improvements.

“I want to thank Tulsa voters for passing this historic franchise agreement to help us fund improvements for our highway lighting system and implement an aggressive power line burial program,” Mayor G.T. Bynum said. “When I came into office, only 7 percent of our highway lights were on citywide, and since I’ve been in office, Tulsa has had multiple weather events remind us of the need to better protect our power lines. I am thankful PSO has worked with us to improve service in our community with this 15-year franchise extension, just as they have worked with us for the last 100 years.”

According to PSO president and COO Peggy Simmons, PSO and Tulsa have partnered for more than a century. The latest vote – which included approvals from 75.82 percent of voters – guarantees the company shall continue to operate in the city that houses its headquarters for years to come.