Senate committee holds hearing on hydrogen pipelines, storage

Published on July 21, 2022 by Dave Kovaleski

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The U.S. Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee examined federal regulatory authorities governing the development of interstate hydrogen pipelines, storage, import, and export facilities at a recent hearing.

At the hearing, Committee Chair Joe Manchin (D-WV) questioned the witnesses about the opportunities and challenges they face in accelerating hydrogen to scale.

“We truly believe that we can repurpose significant portions of our existing infrastructure to move hydrogen. I think that blended levels at relatively low levels, even up to 20%, we believe that most of our existing infrastructure can accommodate hydrogen… We have an opportunity to scale up a hydrogen economy with the technology that exists today in our infrastructure, and, as we do that, we will continue to expand our ability to increase the amount of hydrogen, and ultimately, we believe, get to 100% hydrogen pipelines,” Chad Zamarin, senior vice president for corporate strategic development at Williams, said.

Along with the representative from Williams, the hearing featured witnesses from Plug, the University of Wyoming, and Venable LLP.

“Not only do I think it can be put [hydrogen] on the map for the United States, I think it can be put on the map to allow us to be exporting hydrogen. A production tax credit of $3 per kilogram for green hydrogen with a sliding scale for blue hydrogen will make us the leader around the world in renewable hydrogen production,” Andy Marsh, president and CEO of Plug, said.