Michigan consortium launches outreach initiative to pitch energy jobs to students

Published on October 19, 2022 by Chris Galford

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In a week-long educational outreach effort this week, the Michigan Energy Workforce Development Consortium (MEWDC) seeks to increase awareness among students of career possibilities in the energy sector, particularly as the green transition continues.

Through a mix of industry, school and workforce partners, MEWDC will host various career awareness and exploration events, panel discussions and job fairs over five days, as an extension of the ninth annual Careers in Energy Week. This is in addition to partnerships with K-12 schools and community colleges the group uses to offer education and training on pre-linework programs, energy production and systems training, and more, as well as professional development and relationship building opportunities it pursues in communities throughout the state.

“Ensuring Michigan’s energy industry is adequately staffed with a qualified and diverse workforce is a priority for the MEWDC,” Marcia Black-Watson, director of the consortium, said. “Careers in Energy Week annually boosts the momentum of MEWDC’s industry, education and workforce partnerships to promote career awareness, exploration and preparation for the critical jobs that deliver safe, reliable and efficient energy to our communities.”

MEWDC was founded in 2008 as a partnership of industry, education, workforce, labor, government and veteran members. These partners include organizations such as Consumers Energy and DTE Energy, Lansing Board of Water & Light, Enbridge, the Michigan Electric Cooperative Association and more.

Current industry expectations set energy jobs growth to reach approximately 7.5 percent between 2020 and 2030.