National Grid working with LineVision to enhance grid in Western New York

Published on October 20, 2022 by Dave Kovaleski

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National Grid is working with LineVision to install sensors on transmission lines in western New York to increase grid capacity and reduce curtailment of planned renewable generation projects.

The Dynamic Line Rating technology will operate transmission lines in real-time, allowing National Grid to further optimize grid performance. LineVision is the world’s only provider of non-contact overhead power line monitoring systems,

“We are pleased to again work with LineVision to optimize and modernize our network,” Bart Franey, vice president of clean energy development in New York for National Grid, said. “As National Grid works to meet ambitious climate goals, we are continuously looking for cost-effective ways to support the integration of renewable generation in New York. Based on our previous experience with LineVision technology, we expect we can unlock additional transmission capacity to help meet those goals. Knowing the rating of the transmission line helps us to understand how much additional power we can transmit, which is critical as we work towards the energy transition.”

The company’s LineRate DLR software and sensor platform will be deployed on 115kV transmission lines in upstate New York. One of the lines, for example, will transmit power from, among other sources, a 125MW utility-scale wind energy project providing power to 37,000 households in Chautauqua County. The installation of DLR will help ensure that the clean energy from that project is delivered to the grid.

“National Grid has consistently shown leadership in building a cleaner, more flexible grid and ensuring a seamless path to decarbonization,” Hudson Gilmer, co-founder and CEO of LineVision, said. “Throughout several phases of our work with National Grid in both Massachusetts and New York, we have seen outstanding results, including an average increase in transmission capacity of over 30%. This project, along with five miles of circuit rebuilds, is projected to reduce curtailments by over 350 megawatts while increasing capacity by 190 megawatts. We will, in essence, have added enough capacity to existing power lines to power some 80,000-100,000 homes. We are thrilled with these developments and are eager to continue our work together.”