Otter Tail purchases 62 MW Ashtabula III Wind Energy Center in North Dakota

Published on January 06, 2023 by Chris Galford

© Otter Tail Power Company

The 39-turbine Ashtabula III Wind Energy Center gained a new owner this week when Otter Tail Power Company officially completed its purchase.

This acquisition will add 69 MW of wind generation to Otter Tail’s portfolio, all flowing from Barnes County, North Dakota. This energy will go toward some of the company’s 133,300 customers and represents a forward step toward its goal to make more than 50 percent of its owned and contracted energy generation renewable sourced by 2025.

“Our customers have benefited from wind resources since 2002,” Tim Rogelstad, Otter Tail president, said. “Purchasing Ashtabula III is part of our least-cost plan to meet our customers’ energy needs, both now and in the future.”

Originally developed by NextEra Energy Resources, Ashtabula III began commercial operation in 2010. Otter Tail has been buying up power from the site through a purchase power agreement since 2013.