Duke Energy Florida completes two new solar facilities

Published on April 17, 2023 by Dave Kovaleski

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Duke Energy Florida recently completed two community solar projects in Alachua and Suwannee counties.

One is the High Springs Renewable Energy Center in Alachua County, a 74.9-MW facility with approximately 216,000 single-axis tracking solar panels. The other is the Hildreth Renewable Energy Center in Suwannee County, Fla., a 74.9-MW facility with approximately 220,000 single-axis tracking solar panels.

Each site, at peak output, will generate enough solar electricity to power around 23,000 homes. Further, each 74.9-MW solar facility displaces about 1.2 million cubic feet of natural gas, 15,000 barrels of fuel oil, and 12,000 tons of coal annually.

Duke Energy Florida’s solar generation portfolio will include 25 grid-tied solar power plants that will generate about 1,500 MW of emission-free energy using approximately 5 million solar panels by 2024.

“The company is well on its way to meeting a major milestone by placing its 21st solar project in operation by the end of this year, delivering on our customer commitment to provide reliable, affordable, clean energy,” Melissa Seixas, Duke Energy Florida state president, said. “These investments allow Florida customers to enjoy renewable energy while also providing cost savings by reducing fuel use.”

This is part of the company’s Clean Energy Connection program, where customers can subscribe to solar power and earn credits toward their electricity bills without having to install or maintain their own equipment.