PG&E successfully cuts pipeline emissions more than 20 percent, two years ahead of schedule

Published on April 20, 2023 by Chris Galford

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As confirmed in a report from the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) released earlier this year, Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) successfully cut its emissions from gas pipelines by more than 20 percent, beating out a self-set deadline of 2025.

That goal was floated in 2017 and based on 2015 emissions levels. As of mid-year 2022, the company had reached more than 24 percent emissions reductions. Another 5 percent is expected to be removed by the end of this year.

“This is an exciting advancement in our work to deliver on our climate goals for our customers and the state. Together, we can take aim at the next objective on our climate-action agenda— not only protecting the planet but helping it begin to heal. That’s a stand that I—and all of my coworkers at PG&E—are proud to take,” Christine Cowsert, PG&E’s gas engineering senior vice president, said.

PG&E highlighted this achievement as part of its path to reaching net zero emissions by 2040 and marking a positive milestone for climate efforts. To achieve it, the company enhanced its leak survey program assessing more than 42,000 miles of natural gas distribution pipelines every three years, utilized leak detection technologies and accelerated its repair schedule for the largest emissions findings, modified standard natural gas release or venting practices used to prepare transmission pipelines for various projects, replaced more than 100 pneumatic controllers at compressor stations and natural gas storage facilities, and began quarterly leak surveys at those same facilities.

According to CPUC, this was possible by close collaboration between SPD, Air Resources Board staff, and engineering teams at PG&E. That same report credited work at other utilities, as well.