Report finds that few Americans know about clean energy targets

Published on June 12, 2023 by Dave Kovaleski

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Only 12 percent of Americans are aware of specific clean energy targets set by the federal, state, or local governments, according to a new report from the Smart Energy Consumer Collaborative (SECC).

The report – called Renewables: Engaging Consumers in the Clean Energy Transition – also revealed that only 6 percent have heard of targets from their electricity provider.

In addition, it found that most Americans, 74 percent, believe it is important that the country achieves 80-percent renewable energy generation by 2030. And when informed of the federal government’s 80-percent renewable energy generation by 2030 target, 48 percent of consumers believe that it should be a high priority for their electricity provider to contribute to this goal. Further, another 32 percent believe that it should be a medium priority, while 20 percent say it should be a low priority.

Additionally, the survey polled consumers whether they would pay more on their monthly electric bill if all their electricity came from renewable sources. In response, 44 percent of Americans said they would be willing to pay $5 more each month, while 40 percent responded that they would be willing to pay $10 or more each month, Further, 12 percent of respondents said they would pay $20 or more to receive electricity from entirely renewable sources.

The report also delves into consumers’ beliefs around hydropower, community solar, rooftop solar and wind energy. Additionally, it explores the types of messaging that would motivate consumers to support clean energy targets and offers recommendations for improving engagement with three of SECC’s consumer segments.

SECC’s Deputy Director Jason McGrade will be leading a one-hour webinar on the report’s key findings on June 15 at 1 p.m. EDT.