PPL recognized for use of dynamic line rating

Published on July 13, 2023 by Liz Carey

© PPL Electric Utilities
A PPL Electric Utilities employee installs a Dynamic Line Rating (DLR) sensor onto a transmission line.

Pennsylvania-based PPL Electric Utilities has been recognized by two energy organizations for its innovative use of Dynamic Line Rating (DLR) technology.

The company announced Tuesday it had been recognized by Edison Electric Institute (EEI) with its 2023 Edison Award for its leadership, innovation and contribution to the advancement of the electric power industry. Additionally, the company was recognized by Southeaster Electric Exchange (S.E.E.) with an Industry Excellence Award for its transmission line innovation.

“We’re honored and delighted to receive these significant honors and we’re equally proud to be the first electric company in the U.S to use Dynamic Line Rating in this way,” said PPL Electric Utilities President Steph Raymond. “This achievement represents our commitment to explore innovative ways of delivering safe, reliable and affordable power to our customers.”

At issue is PPL’s use of DLR technology as an integrated tool to determine real-time and market conditions. Using sensors to assess real-time information about conditions like wind speed and line temperature, PPL is able to determine the performance of its transmission lines and any adjustments necessary to increase the amount of electricity delivered over transmission lines, decreasing congestion and improving reliability.

Historically, utility companies have used static line ratings based on assumptions about line conditions and the types of conductors used on the transmission lines. Those line ratings don’t account for environmental factors, the company said, and assume other factors necessary to ensure conductors don’t overheat.

Using DLR sensors and systems, and integrating them with an energy management system, PPL is about to get more accurate rating in real-time that allow the company to monitor and manage congestion. Sensors on transmission lines capture data used to calculate wind speed, ambient temperature and the temperature of conductors.

Since late 2022, the company has been sending hourly, day-ahead forecasts from the DLR system to PJM Interconnection, the regional transmission organization, to coordinate more efficient generation and ensure reliability.

“Having real-time measurements allows PPL Electric to optimize performance on transmission lines and make better informed decisions about the need for improvements to those lines,” said PPL Electric Utilities Director of Asset Management Joe Lookup. “The end result is lower generation costs and better reliability for customers.”