Electric Power Research Institute touts low-carbon potential to decarbonize, evolve Florida energy sector

Published on July 13, 2023 by Chris Galford

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In a recent presentation to the Florida Public Service Commission (PSC), the nonprofit Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) pitched low-carbon hydrogen as a viable option to increase reliability, affordability and resiliency of the state’s energy offerings.

“Hydrogen is not just a technology–it is a new energy economy,” EPRI said.

Through hydrogen, EPRI wants to hasten economy-wide, low-carbon efforts and promote a new-zero decarbonization effort. It also sees hydrogen as a way to increase affordability, when paired with digital transformations and upgraded communications infrastructure and control systems. Piggybacking off this, it could potentially reduce cyber and physical risks, if improved response and recovery efforts were enacted alongside.

“The potential benefits from the broad ranging uses of hydrogen should not be overlooked,” PSC Chairman Andrew Fay said after the presentation. “We appreciate EPRI’s presentation and will continue to monitor the impact hydrogen may have in decarbonizing our grid.”

Currently, hydrogen testing and demonstration are in progress at a mix of nuclear and natural gas operations, natural gas pipeline storage and delivery, and end-use applications such as blending with natural gas, microgrid integration and transportation fueling.