Avista reaches rate case agreement for Oregon customers

Published on August 08, 2023 by Dave Kovaleski

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Avista has reached an agreement with local authorities on its natural gas general rate case for its Oregon customers.

If the agreement is approved, it would result in a base revenue increase request of $7.16 million — or 4.7 percent. This is lower than Avista’s original request of $11.0 million.

“This settlement agreement will provide new rates in Oregon that are fair and reasonable for our customers, the Company, and our shareholders,” Dennis Vermillion, Avista president and CEO, said. “This outcome allows us to recover our costs in a timely manner and supports Avista’s efforts to invest in and maintain our infrastructure so we can continue to provide the reliable energy our customers expect.”

So, a residential natural gas customer using an average of 47 therms per month, would see a $4.07 per month increase, or 5.3 percent, from a $77.01 bill for a revised monthly bill of $81.08 effective Jan. 1, 2024. The actual percentage rate change will vary by customer rate schedule and will depend on how much energy a customer uses.

The agreement was reached by Avista, the staff of the Public Utility Commission of Oregon, the Oregon Citizens’ Utility Board, Alliance of Western Energy Consumers, and the joint intervenor Sierra Club/Climate Solutions.

Avista serves approximately 106,000 customers in Oregon.