Avista seeks proposals on renewable or responsibly sourced gas options

Published on September 08, 2023 by Chris Galford

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Seeking to meet carbon reduction requirements and goals, Avista issued a request for proposal (RFP) this week for renewable natural gas (RNG) or responsibly sourced gas (RSG) resources, delivered no earlier than Jan. 1, 2024.

Avista first launched aspirational natural gas emission reduction goals in 2021, when it called for cutting those emissions by 30 percent by 2030 and achieving carbon neutrality by 2045. This would also allow it to meet state requirements from both Oregon and Washington. Its new RFP is open to those who own, could develop, or hold rights to resources or those marketing resources meeting Avista’s requirements for either RNG or RSG. 

Proposals must be in by Oct. 19, 2023, but those interested can submit multiple proposals. However, each must include specific configuration, contracting, or pricing options to be considered. Likely resources to be considered, according to Avista, include but are not limited to: 

  • Landfill RNG
  • Biomass Fast Pyrolysis Synthetic RNG
  • Dairy RNG
  • Food Waste RNG
  • Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant RNG
  • RNG commodity portfolios (bundled or unbundled)
  • Carbon Capture with synthetic RNG byproduct
  • Hydrogen

RNG is produced by capturing and purifying methane from organic waste streams that normally go straight to the environment as they decompose. The result is a gas similar to conventional natural gas. On the other hand, RSG is natural gas that independent third parties have assessed and approved under environmental best practices.