West Virginia power companies propose new energy efficiency, demand response programs

Published on April 06, 2017 by Daily Energy Insider Reports

Appalachian Power and Wheeling Power filed proposals this week with the West Virginia Public Service Commission (PSC), requesting approval of new energy efficiency and demand response programs (EE/DR) for West Virginia customers.

In the filing, the two companies proposed four new programs: Bring-Your-Own Smart Thermostat, Small Business Direct Install Program, Multi-Family Direct Install Program and Volt VAR Optimization Expansion Program.

“Appalachian Power offers a number of successful programs to help our customers use electricity more efficiently and save money on their electric bills,” James D. Fawcett, customer services and business development director for Appalachian Power, said. “Our industry continues to change and our customers’ expectations are evolving, so we are adapting to meet those expectations. These new programs and offerings will help us and our customers move toward a new energy future.”

In 2010, the PSC approved the development and use of EE/DR programs for West Virginia customers. Several such programs have since been initiated.

While Appalachian and Wheeling are now seeking an increase in EE/DR budgets, Appalachian Power said that its customers will not see a rate increase as a result of this filing. The companies expect to have a decision on the filing from the PSC later this year.