JCP&L proposes plan to expand energy efficiency programs

Published on December 07, 2023 by Dave Kovaleski

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Jersey Central Power and Light (JCP&L) is looking to expand its energy efficiency programs.

The firm, owned by FirstEnergy, filed a proposal with the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (BPU) for a $964.2 million portfolio of programs that would run for 2.5 years, starting on Jan. 1, 2025.

“New Jersey is a national leader in clean energy. By expanding programs that have proven to be successful and adding new tools and incentives that build on the safe, reliable electric service we provide our customers every day, JCP&L is proud to continue our role in achieving goals that make our state a better place to live, work and raise a family,” Jim Fakult, president of JCP&L, said.

The proposal includes the continuation of several core programs as well as several new offerings. The programs include:

• A Whole Home Program that offers energy efficiency opportunities, such as assessments, to residential customers.
• An Energy Efficient Products Program that provides incentives for HVAC, appliances, consumer electronics and other energy-saving equipment.
• The Direct Install and Energy Solutions for Business Programs that offer assessments and financial support to small business and commercial customers for energy efficiency upgrades.
• A Multifamily Program that offers financial incentives for in-unit and common area energy efficiency solutions, as well as more comprehensive solutions, such as whole-building retrofits.
• A Building Decarbonization Program that provides financial incentives and rebates for the electrification of building heating, water heating and cooking equipment.
• The Next Generation Savings Program, which targets new technologies and approaches that require training, incentives or other key elements to help the marketplace better understand the potential value of the technology or approach.

JCP&L also proposes to expand a program that reduces demand during peak hours for residential customers to include small business customers.

The Comfort Partners Program, the low- and moderate-income utility assistance program currently co-managed through New Jersey’s Clean Energy Program, would also be consolidated as a part of this proposal. The updated program would offer tiered benefits for moderate- and low-income customers.

Further, JCP&L is proposing a Conservation Voltage Reduction Program that will analyze company substations and distribution circuits to identify opportunities to reduce voltage in the system.

If this expansion is approved, the typical JCP&L residential customer using 783 kilowatt-hours of electricity and currently paying $116.88 per month could expect to see a total increase of approximately $4.86, or 4.2 percent, on their monthly electric bill by July 2026. Three incremental rate adjustments would start with a $0.97 increase for the typical JCP&L residential customer on Jan. 1, 2025. Additional impacts would be effective July 1, 2025, and July 1, 2026.