Boston supports Avangrid proposal for New England Wind 1

Published on April 02, 2024 by Dave Kovaleski

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Avangrid’s proposed New England Wind 1 offshore wind proposal has the full support of Boston Mayor Michelle Wu.

Avangrid’s proposal is in response to the multi-state procurement for offshore wind power by Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island.

If Avangrid wins the award, part of the energy generated through the project will be used to power Boston’s municipal buildings and residences enrolled in the city’s municipal energy aggregation program, Boston Community Choice Electricity. The city and Avangrid have agreed upon a memorandum of understanding (MOU) in which Boston could purchase up to 15 megawatts of energy as part of a future agreement, the equivalent of one wind turbine, from the New England Wind 1 offshore project. It would be the first U.S. city to contract for offshore wind.

“Boston must lead the way in building a sustainable future, and we’re proud to set a new standard with a direct stake in innovation to create clean energy and good jobs for our residents and communities,” Wu said. “This partnership advances our climate goals while bringing thousands of green jobs to our region, creating a pathway for generations to come.”

Avangrid’s New England Wind 1 project has the potential to deliver up to 800 megawatts of renewable energy to the New England grid, enough to power up to 400,000 homes and businesses in the region. It is estimated to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by up to 1.5 million US tons of carbon dioxide per year.

The amount of electricity that the City of Boston may purchase under the terms of a potential agreement is equal to nearly a third of all the electricity used annually by Boston Public Schools in addition to nearly 5,000 homes.

“The City of Boston is thrilled by the chance to participate in the offshore wind revolution” said Reverend Mariama White-Hammond, Chief of Environment, Energy and Open Space. “I would particularly like to thank David Musselman, Boston’s Director of Municipal Energy, who has spearheaded innovative energy projects like this in Boston and will be retiring next month.”

Avangrid has also offered to implement vocational training for Boston Public School students, creating an investment in the green jobs pipeline, an important part of Boston’s Green New Deal.

“Mayor Wu and the City of Boston are among the country’s foremost climate champions, so we saw a natural opportunity with our New England Wind bid and the City’s leadership to form this exciting partnership,” Avangrid CEO Pedro Azagra said. “Our goal with New England Wind is to bring the region’s historic communities into the very blueprints of our project, and we’re thrilled to establish this partnership with the City to ensure that Boston benefits from the clean power and economic opportunity that offshore wind offers.”

Boston officials believe Avangrid could potentially deliver a transformational project to Massachusetts that would help the state meet its energy needs and secure new economic opportunities.