ComEd launches initiative to grow training, resources for energy-efficiency businesses

Published on June 03, 2024 by Chris Galford

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Through the launch of the new Market Development Initiative (MDI), ComEd hopes to provide individuals with the training and resources to help them compete for job opportunities in the energy-efficiency industry, and simultaneously grow that industry throughout Illinois.

A recent study by the company predicted the transition to clean energy could create more than 150,000 additional jobs in-state by 2050. With such a large demand forthcoming, it launched MDI to provide skills training and support the growth of the energy efficiency market, with four major areas of focus:

  • Training and development: ComEd will introduce two new workforce training cohorts, with programs designed for new and experienced workers in the energy efficiency field. The focus will be on meeting local workers where they are. The next training session for new workers will begin Aug. 19, 2024, while one for experienced workers will begin Oct. 14, 2024.
  • Resources for diverse vendors: MDI will promote growth among local, diverse-owned businesses by assisting in certification to perform energy-efficiency work, the procurement process, and applications to join a searchable database of available vendors.
  • Tools and resources for providers: building from its Energy Efficiency Service Provider Incubator Program, ComEd will offer education and training on energy efficiency portfolio offerings, one-on-one assistance with certification applications, business growth plans, and opportunities to network with project financing lenders
  • Community collaboration: working with community-based, faith-based, and other nonprofits to raise awareness about MDI

“ComEd is committed to ensuring our local businesses and residents are well positioned to play a part in – and take advantage of – the expected growth in the energy-efficiency market,” Melissa Washington, senior vice president of customer operations and strategic initiatives at ComEd, said. “In collaboration with organizations across the region, MDI will deliver training necessary to help more local businesses join this expanding market while improving chances for local residents to obtain good-paying jobs in the energy field.”

Applications have opened at this time, and ComEd has set up a new website dedicated to the plan with more details.