Consumer Energy Alliance poll finds West Virginia, Virginia and North Carolina voters support Atlantic Coast Pipeline

Published on May 26, 2017 by Daily Energy Insider Reports

According to a new poll by Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), a slight majority of voters in Virginia, West Virginia and North Carolina support the expansion of domestic energy production and infrastructure including the Atlantic Coast Pipeline.

Sixty percent of survey participants in West Virginia, where the pipeline would begin, support the project. Fifty-four percent of the voters CEA surveyed in Virginia and 52 percent in North Carolina support the pipeline. The project would run through Virginia and end in North Carolina.

“Stable supplies of affordable and reliable natural gas are vital to North Carolina’s manufacturing base, which provides more than 440,000 jobs and generates nearly $90 billion in economic output for our state,” Preston Howard, president of North Carolina Manufacturers Alliance, said. “This poll confirms what many of us already know: The Atlantic Coast Pipeline is widely supported, safe and a critical piece of energy infrastructure needed to keep North Carolina growing.”

CEA also found that a majority or plurality of voters in the three surveyed states support the Keystone XL pipeline.

The poll also found that energy development issues will play a central role in next year’s midterm elections.

“As we’ve seen in years past, the success of those running for Governor or for seats in this election cycle will hinge on their ability to promote issues that stimulate the economy, create jobs, contribute to the well-being of U.S. families and small businesses, as well as helping to ensure the protection of our environment,” CEA President David Holt said. “And promoting the expansion of domestic energy production and infrastructure, especially pipelines, remains the best way to achieve all of the above.”