Solar advocates release shared rate design principles

Published on June 02, 2017 by Daily Energy Insider Reports

The Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) and Vote Solar recently released a set of principles to help guide state-level net metering and rate design work for solar energy.

Principles for the Evolution of Net Energy Metering and Rate Design was developed and supported by a coalition of U.S. energy advocates and is intended to provide a consensus view for regulators and stakeholders involved in compensation for distributed solar generation.

“To effectively communicate as a group, you need to sing from the same song sheet and I’m confident this set of shared principles will resonate loud and clear,” Sean Gallagher, SEIA’s vice president of state affairs, said. “With these Principles we’re taking a collective, proactive approach that will ultimately allow for expanded consumer electricity choice and fair compensation for America’s families.”

The paper is organized into four sections, which cover basic principles of rate design and compensation for distributed solar generation, criteria for the consideration of alternatives to net energy metering, guiding principles for solar rate design and guiding principles for alternative compensation.

“Americans will continue to invest in solar to harness clean, affordable and reliable power for their own homes and businesses, which goes hand-in-hand with building a 21st-century grid that remains reliable, secure and affordable for everyone,” Rick Gilliam, program director of DG Regulatory Policy at Vote Solar, said. “This set of principles was designed with that in mind and should serve as a guide for all stakeholders that share that vision.”

The groups responsible for the paper continue to welcome additional signers and urge state leaders and regulators to use the principles.