Ten new underground mechanics complete PECO training program

Published on June 21, 2017 by Daily Energy Insider Reports

Ten new PECO underground apprentice mechanics recently completed PECO’s 15-week training program and will now begin using their skills to ensure energy access to the company’s customers in the Philadelphia area.

The program helps underground apprentice mechanics to develop the skills they need to work safely on the company’s advanced electric distribution system.

“The training our new apprentice mechanics received from our skilled instructors through this program provides the essential foundation for their careers at PECO,” Eric Helt, vice president of Electric Operations, said. “Our field employees play a critical role in our mission to deliver safe and reliable electric service to
our customers and I’m proud to welcome them to the organization.”

The program included simulations of work conditions in order to help them gain field maintenance and repair skills. It focuses on electric distribution fundamentals, electric theory, circuit design, emergency response, safety and first aid. Trainees also developed an understanding of PECO’s advanced electric distribution equipment.

More than 600 people applied for this year’s underground mechanic training program.