Solar Energy Industries Association delivers solar plan to Trump calling for him to reject tariffs

Published on December 07, 2017 by Kevin Randolph

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The Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) revealed this week its America First Plan for Solar Energy, which outlines steps President Trump can take to help the solar industry maintain its growth.

The plan recommends to Trump that he reject the tariffs proposed by the International Trade Commission (ITC), which SEIA said would increase the price of solar, raise the cost of electricity, and cause the loss of American jobs.

“Tariffs would jeopardize our economy, our national security and our workers,” Abigail Ross Hopper, SEIA’s president and CEO, said. “Our plan is meant to help the President address the issues in this case, put America First, and say yes to strong economic and manufacturing growth. Rather than throw a highly successful U.S. industry in reverse for no good reason, this plan will create more jobs and investment in America.”

SEIA’s plan also said that if Trump believes the firms involved in the ITC trade case should receive trade assistance, he should create an import license fee to collect money from foreign manufacturers.

President Trump has until Jan. 26 to decide whether to accept or reject the ITC’s recommendations or develop a different policy.