Department of Energy announces reorganization, Office for Under Secretary of Energy to be Split

Published on December 19, 2017 by Aaron Martin

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The Department of Energy (DoE) announced a new organizational structure on Friday to better advance Trump Administration priorities to achieve energy dominance, ensure energy and national security, promote innovation, and enhance environmental management outcomes.

Plans call for the Office of Under Secretary for Science and Energy to be separated into two under secretary positions. Under the new structure, there will once again be three undersecretaries: under secretary of energy, under secretary of science, and under secretary of nuclear security.

“Today we are announcing a plan to modernize the Department of Energy in order to build upon the success of the last 40 years and meet tomorrow’s challenges,” Energy Secretary Rick Perry said. “This new structure will support American energy dominance, enhance our energy and national security, and improve outcomes in environmental management while ensuring DOE remains the leader in scientific innovation.”

The under secretary for energy will focus on energy policy, applied energy technologies, energy security and reliability, and specific department-wide functions under the new structure. The under secretary for science will focus on supporting innovation, promoting scientific research and environmental remediation.

The secretary of energy has authority to reorganize the department to better achieve a new administration’s policy priorities under the DoE Organization Act.