House coalition requests answers on Clean Power Plan deadline extensions

Published on July 06, 2016 by Alyssa Michaud

John Ratcliffe

A coalition of representatives, led by U.S. Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-Texas), recently penned a letter requested greater clarity from EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy regarding compliance dates for the Clean Power Plan (CPP).

Following the Supreme Court’s decision to grant applications from states and stakeholders for a stay of the CPP until a final ruling could be made on the legality of certain components, companies seeking instructions on whether or not they are expected to move forward with compliance measures have received conflicting answers.

“It came as no surprise that the legality of these regulations has been repeatedly challenged, and it is simply unfair to leave Americans in the dark on whether the interim deadlines for compliance will be extended in accordance with the Supreme Court’s decision to delay final implementation,” Ratcliffe said.

The House coalition’s letter to McCarthy seeks clarification on issues related to tolling, the implicit extension of deadlines granted by court stays, and the protection of states and stakeholders in the event that the CPP is reinstated.

“From the moment the administration released its so-called ‘Clean Power Plan’ as a part of the president’s radical agenda on climate change, it was clear these sweeping regulations would wreak havoc on hard-working families and businesses in Texas and throughout the country,” Ratcliffe said.