American Petroleum Institute CEO Gerard issues recommendations for energy improvements

Published on April 15, 2016 by Jessica Limardo

American Petroleum Institute (API) President and CEO Jack Gerard addressed the platform committees of both Republican and Democratic parties on Wednesday, making recommendations on how to improve the nation’s global energy strategy.

“Our 21st century energy revolution has made America the number one producer of oil and natural gas in the world while helping us lower costs to consumers and lead the world in reducing carbon emissions,” Gerard said. “With sound energy policies, the United States can continue on this path as a global energy leader, and remain self-sufficient.”

Gerard issued a list of recommendations to improve the country’s energy practice, including implementing energy policies that will address the current state of the nation’s energy reality, and ensuring that all policies are grounded in scientific and economic research.

Gerard said that the best way to achieve environmental goals and energy standards was through the private sector – by supporting the ongoing research, investment and innovation of private entities. Gerard also warned against the creation of duplicative regulations that work against clean energy development and efficient infrastructure and distribution.

Gerard also commended the nation on the progress it has made in energy development and achievement. He encouraged representatives to continue to press forward to further the advancements already made in what Gerard called the “era of energy abundance.”