Southern California Edison to modernize power grid through reliable, safe and clean energy

Published on September 16, 2016 by Jessica Limardo

Southern California Edison (SCE) plans to modernize the power grid by way of clean, reliable energy that relies on a large range of collective energy resources, the company announced in a white paper on Tuesday.

The white paper, “The Emerging Clean Energy Economy: Customer-Driven. Modernized. Reliable,” revealed the company’s plan to update the power grid, focusing on enhancing safety and reliability, meeting the changing needs of customers, reducing carbon emissions, supporting clean-energy growth, and deploying new technologies to create job growth.

As customers continue to adopt clean-energy technologies, more opportunities are created regarding control over their energy usage and supply. Such technologies include rooftop solar, onsite energy storage, electric vehicles and energy management systems.

“By working together with customers, regulators and technology providers, companies like SCE are positioned to drive this energy evolution to create a more reliable, safe and clean energy future that will help California achieve its greenhouse gas reduction goals,” SCE President Ron Nichols said.

SCE envisions a “plug-and-play” system within the power grid, placing the customer at the center, simplifying energy resource integration and supporting customer choice. SCE highlighted the need to modernize the grid, enabling more accessible distributed energy resources and reducing carbon emissions.

Electric power companies will act as distribution system operators – planning and managing the modernized grid to ensure that distributed energy resources are optimally integrated and benefit all customers.