Edison International releases 2018 Sustainability Report

Published on June 04, 2019 by Kevin Randolph

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Edison International recently released its 2018 Sustainability Report, which reflects its sustainability strategy and 2018 sustainability performance.

“We’re creating a future where carbon-free resources power the economy,” Pedro Pizarro, president and CEO of Edison International, said. “At the core of our vision is our commitment to sustainability and public safety, in particular, our response to the challenge of our time — climate change and its impacts, which include the devastating wildfires California has experienced.”

The report highlights Edison International’s partnership with the state of California to meet climate change and air pollution goals and increase resiliency.

It highlights achievements related to mitigating the risk of wildfires and increasing resiliency, clean energy and electrification and operational and service excellence.

The report discusses actions such as installing weather stations and high-definition cameras to enhance situational awareness, delivering 46 percent carbon-free electricity to customers and installing the 1,000th EV charge port as part of SCE’s award-winning Charge Ready program.

Operational and service excellence achievements included using advanced digital capabilities to predict early equipment failure to save more than 500,000 minutes of customer interruption, achieving a 20-minute reduction in average customer outage duration from repairs and keeping customer monthly bills 27 percent below the national average.

Edison International also received national recognition as a “best place to work” for diversity practices, disability equality, and LGBT equality.