ComEd, BBB report rise in mobile payment scams after heat wave

Published on September 02, 2022 by Liz Carey

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ComEd and the Better Business Bureau (BBB) are warning Chicago customers about scammers seeking to take advantage of rising temperatures to bilk customers.

The utility company reported that in July 2022, after a stretch of extreme heat, more than 280 customers called in to report scams – more than three times the number received in July 2021. Customers said they lost nearly $25,000 in July 2022, compared to $4,000 in July 2021.

“At ComEd, the safety and security of our customers is among our most important goals. That is why we constantly monitor trends and share what we learn to help individuals identify unscrupulous activity,” said Melissa Washington, ComEd’s chief customer officer and senior vice president of customer operations. “ComEd will never call a customer and demand immediate payment – particularly with a cash card, cryptocurrency, or mobile payment app.”

The company said scammers will primarily contact ComEd customers by phone, demanding payment and threatening service disconnection. Some customers have been contacted through text and email, the company said. The scammer will then instruct the customer to use a mobile payment app like CashApp, QuickPay, Venmo, or Zelle. In some instances, customers reported that the scammers claimed not to have received the payment, so the victim transferred the money two or three times.

“Our research shows scammers are more successful if they can scare victims or create a sense of urgency. Unfortunately, energy impostor scams have both of these traits,” said Steve J. Bernas, president and CEO of the Better Business Bureau serving Chicago and Northern Illinois. “The BBB hears from consumers and business owners who felt they need to act fast, or their power would be cut. Scammers will demand payment fast and, usually, tell their victims to send money in an unconventional form of payment. We always urge people to contact the company directly to verify the call is real. Also, to help protect the community, we ask anyone who has been approached by a scammer to please report them to the BBB Scamtracker, even if they didn’t lose money.”