Utilities United Against Scams recognizes Utility Scam Awareness Day

Published on November 15, 2017 by Kevin Randolph

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Utilities United Against Scams (UUAS), a group of more than 100 U.S. and Canadian utilities and their trade associations, will hold the second annual Utility Scam Awareness Day on Wednesday, supported by a week-long advocacy and awareness campaign.

The campaign focused on revealing the tactics scammers use to steal money from utility customers and sought to educate consumers on how to protect themselves.

“Raising awareness and educating customers about scams is UUAS’s top priority,” said Jared Lawrence, Duke Energy’s vice president of Customer Operations for Piedmont Natural Gas and Metering Services and UUAS chair. “UUAS will continue to help spread awareness of the malicious and frequently evolving tactics that scammers use to target customers. It is important that customers call their utilities directly to check on the status of their accounts if they are ever unsure about the authenticity of a caller or the identity of a service worker, or if they suspect any fraudulent activity.”

UUAS also released a report Monday titled “Consumer’s Guide to Impostor Utility Scams.” The guide, authored by UUAS Executive Director and former Texas Utility Consumer Advocate Sheri Givens, discusses some of the most common types of impostor utility scams.

“Electric, water, and natural gas services are vital to our everyday lives, and scammers are continually attempting to profit from utility customers,” said Xcel Energy Communications Consultant and UUAS Vice Chair Tim Dicks. “Scammers are developing increasingly sophisticated schemes to take advantage of customers, especially those most vulnerable in our society, including lower-income households and elderly individuals and communities.”