Colorado Petroleum Council approves of petroleum proposals’ exclusion from ballot

Published on September 01, 2016 by Alyssa Michaud

The Colorado Secretary of State announced on Monday that two ballot proposals that sought to implement new constitutional restrictions on Colorado’s oil and gas industry did not receive enough valid voter signatures to be included on the November ballot.

Colorado Petroleum Council Executive Director Tracee Bentley expressed approval of the proposals’ exclusion, stating that the current restrictions under which oil and gas companies operate are already constrictive, throttling the state’s progress in production gains and emission reductions.

“Short-sighted initiatives like these do nothing more than hurt Colorado’s economy and our nation’s position as the world’s leader in production of oil and natural gas and in the reduction of carbon emissions, which are at near 20-year lows,” Bentley said. “Oil and natural gas companies have a long history of working collaboratively with local government and communities and we will continue to do so.

“Companies in Colorado operate under some of the most stringent rules in the country and we have proven it is not an either or situation. We can produce clean, safe, affordable energy while being good environmental stewards. Moving forward, it’s important that we put in place policies that further Colorado’s leadership on these critical issues and benefit consumers, both in our state and nationally.”